Developing a Fantasy Motorsport App: Key Features, Technology Stack, and Revenue Model


The countdown to the F1 circuit’s return to the track has begun, igniting the excitement of speed enthusiasts with less than a month to go. This is the ideal moment to invest in developing a Fantasy Auto Racing App and capitalize on the Grand Prix fervor that will last until November.

Fantasy sports have made it simple for fans to engage with the games they adore and become active participants. By employing their knowledge and comprehension of the sport, they may delve into its offerings and reap substantial profits.

If you’re interested in creating an app, enlist the services of F1 Fantasy app developers who can bring your concept to life as a motor-racing application.

Before we delve into the details of Formula One racing and its accompanying fantasy app, let’s take a quick look at the schedule.

The Timeline

Indeed, there is less than a month before one of the world’s most significant and eagerly anticipated gaming events: Formula One racing. Let’s take a brief look at how things unfold.

How Are F1 Formula Race Finalists Selected?

The Formula One (F1) Grand Prix events are some of the most prestigious and exhilarating motorsports competitions in the world. Auto enthusiasts eagerly await these races and devote their weekends to experiencing the excitement of speed. However, not everyone is familiar with the workings of an F1 race. So, here’s a step-by-step explanation of how an average F1 Grand Prix race unfolds:

Perfecting the Practice

Typically, there are two practice sessions (known as “Free Practice”) on Friday before the race, followed by one final practice session on Saturday. Teams and drivers use these sessions During these sessions, the teams and drivers use them to familiarize themselves with the track and tweak their car’s setup.

Preparing for the Big Event

The crucial qualifying session takes place on Saturday, which determines the starting order for the race on Sunday. The starting grid is determined through a process in which each driver takes a turn to complete one flying lap, and the driver with the quickest time is placed in the top starting position.

Settling into the Right Order

The cars are arranged on the starting grid based on their qualifying times, with the pole-sitter at the front and the remaining cars lining up behind them.

Ready, Set, Go!

Following their assembly on the starting grid and a warm-up lap, the cars form a queue to commence the race. At the start of the race, the cars accelerate from a stationary position.

The Race is On

An F1 Grand Prix race lasts around 90 minutes and involves multiple laps. Drivers must navigate the circuit, pass other vehicles, and make pit stops for refueling and tire changes during the race.

F1 cars have limited fuel and tire life between touch-ups, so drivers must make frequent pit stops. These stops allow the team to change tires, refuel, and make necessary repairs.

The driver who completes a predetermined number of laps and crosses the finish line first is declared the winner of the race.

While the previous information provides a general outline of an F1 Grand Prix race, various factors such as weather conditions, technical difficulties, and the implementation of safety cars may significantly affect the race’s outcome and ultimately decide the winner.

F1 fantasy motorsport mobile applications work on a similar model. You select a team or a race, and the winner receives a prize. It sounds simple, but the fantasy motorsport app developers explain how these applications work and what factors you must consider when working on a project like this. With our skilled developers, you can develop custom mobile apps with all the necessary features.

How to Play Formula one Fantasy Sports ?

Choose Five Drivers and a Team

In the first stage of joining the Formula One Formula Racing Fantasy App, you need to choose a team by picking a maximum of five drivers and one constructor. Keep an eye on the price of each driver before the qualifying round on Saturday night and lock in your choices. You are allowed three substitutions before each Grand Prix. To make changes, go to F1 Fantasy and select “Manage.” You can sort the list of available drivers based on pricing and other parameters. Make sure your team doesn’t exceed the $100 M budget.

Create a League or Join One

You can create or join leagues in F1 Fantasy to play with friends, family, or other competitors worldwide. To create your league, log in, click the “leagues” button on the left, or use a code provided by someone who has already created a league in the top right corner of the screen to join.

The Powerups game

After selecting your league, drivers, constructor, league game, and an amusing team name, you can use your powerups, which come in three different varieties.

Turbo Driver

The Turbo Driver feature provides a score boost to any driver valued under $20 million. To activate it, simply tap the “TD” icon on your team selection screen.

Mega Driver

The Mega Driver feature doubles the score of any driver, regardless of value. Use it before and after the Hungary race, and activate it by tapping the “MD” icon.


With Wildcards, you can make up to 12 free substitutions during the race week, allowing you to reassemble your team and increase your budget over $100 million. You receive two Wildcards per season, one in each half of the season, starting from Belgium to Abu Dhabi. To use this power-up, tap the icon with the joker hat.


The Streaks feature is crucial for scoring in F1 Fantasy. Drivers who finish in the top 10 for five consecutive races receive a 10-point bonus, while those who qualify for five consecutive races receive a 5-point bonus. Constructors can also activate streaks, but both drivers must qualify for three consecutive races or finish in the top 10 each time.

Combining hot streaks and power-ups can double or triple your bonus, leading to better results. To achieve this and beat your competition, consider hiring our team of Formula One Fantasy Sports app developers, who can add more fun and gamification experience to your app and help you reach a wider audience.

Now that you know how to use the power-ups and build a team, let’s take a look at the teams competing in the 2023 Formula One Race.

What is Fantasy Motor Sport Mobile App ?

Fantasy Motorsports is a specialized mobile app category that allows users to create and manage their imaginary racing teams. These apps usually offer features such as driver selection, team assembly, and multiplayer games or online races.

Users can earn points based on the performance of their selected teams and drivers in racing competitions. To win, users must accumulate more points than other users.

Numerous Fantasy Motorsports mobile apps are available for download, including NASCAR Fantasy Live, Formula 1 Fantasy, and MotoGP Fantasy. These apps can be a fun way for racing enthusiasts to engage with and compete against fans worldwide.

How Does Fantasy Motorsports Mobile App Work?

The Functioning of Fantasy Motorsports Mobile App Fantasy sports involve creating a virtual team based on your knowledge of the game to earn significant profits. With the development of fantasy motorsports mobile apps, users can assemble either for entire season or for a single race their virtual squad. The users’ selected drivers’ actual race results determine the points they earn, which contribute to their overall score.

Here is a basic rundown of how it operates:

  1. Users select a team of drivers and constructors within a salary cap or set budget limit.
  2. Points are awarded to users based on the performance of their chosen drivers in a race, including their finishing position, fastest laps, and pole positions.
  3. The user with the most points overall after a race or season is declared the winner.
  4. It is also possible to switch teams before each race and participate in leagues with greater rewards, competing against other users, in some apps.
  5. It is important to read the app’s rules and regulations because each Formula 1 fantasy app may have different scoring systems and restrictions.

Now that we know the players and how it works, the next important aspect is to discuss the essential features that your Formula 1 fantasy sports app should have.

Key Features for Fantasy Motor Sports App Development

Key Features for Fantasy Motor Sports Development

User – Mobile App Features

Home ScreenAfter logging in with a registered account, the first screen a user sees in a Fantasy Motorsport app is typically the upcoming Grand Prix and other races. The user can then navigate to another tab to select their teams.
Sports BrowsingIn the Fantasy Motorsport App, users can browse through a variety of motorsports, including but not limited to NASCAR, Formula One, Formula E, IndyCar, and more.
User ProfileThe user profile section is where users can manage their account and view their interactions within the app, including any credits they may have earned for various motorsports.
Create LeagueA user can create a private league in this section of the app and invite other users to join.
Joining LeaguesThis section allows the user to join both Global and Private Leagues to participate in Fantasy Formula 1 or other Fantasy Motorsports games.
Winning HistoryThis section displays the track record of a user’s winnings in the Fantasy Motorsport app, providing easy accessibility to the user.
Playing HistoryHere, the user can easily access the records of all the GPs or any other races they have participated in and view their performance history.
E-WalletHaving an option that enables users to have a seamless gameplay experience without frequently paying from their bank accounts is essential.
Invite & EarnAnother useful option is the referral program that enables users to refer the fantasy motorsport app to their friends. Once the referred friend starts using the app, both the referrer and the friend earn a predetermined number of credits. This option can help build a community of users and encourage them to invite their friends to join the app.

Admin Panel Features

Categorized Dashboards:This section provides several statistical dashboards for various metrics such as the number of active users, new user registrations, total income, and revenue.
Users Management:The administrator can access user profiles and perform actions such as adding, editing, or deleting user profiles.
Track Earnings:the admin can track earnings from various sources and regions, and the use of multiple filter options can provide precise
Reward Points Management:This section deals with reward points, including assigning, modifying, and managing them.
Bonus Reward Management:Admin can create and manage multiple reward schemes for public or private leagues in this section. The section also includes managing prizes for leagues, both public and private.
Bank Withdrawal Request Management:Admin can review bank withdrawal requests from users and accept or reject them as necessary.
Content Management System (CMS):The section also provides admin with the ability to manage, modify, and add information across the entire application.

Additional Features- Game Changer Features for Fantasy Sports Mobile App

Live Race Updates:The section provides real-time race updates, driver positions, points, and other relevant data to keep the users up-to-date with the actual race.
CRM Integration:The CRM feature helps in managing emails, notifications, user locations, and other backend services efficiently.
CMS Integration:Content management allows admins to control every content on the app, providing better control over the app’s overall functionality.
Driver and Constructor Record:The feature to view team and driver details promotes maximum user interaction and helps them in forming a better team for the next play.
Push Notifications:Live updates of races, notifications for earned points, upcoming race reminders, and other similar options encourage more user engagement.
Video on Demand (VoD):The VoD feature allows users to not only play fantasy motorsport games but also gain more knowledge by watching visual content, thus forming a better team for the next play.
Live Games:Offering live games like a prediction for the upcoming moment in the live game adds more excitement and fun to the race, intensifying user engagement.
ECommerce:Users can purchase official merchandise of their favorite sports, player, or constructor, as it is a tempting idea to offer.
ChatBot Integration:The Chatbot feature makes it easy for users to get answers to frequently asked questions.
GPS Location:The feature to show personalized ads to users based on their location and interests enhances the user experience.
Flexible Payment System:The availability of multiple payment systems like e-Wallets, net banking, debit and credit cards enables users to perform transactions with ease.

Technology Stack

Sports APIGoalserve,, Sportsmonks, Entitysports
PaymentBraintree, Paypal, Stripe, E-Wallets, E-banking, PayUMoney
DatabaseMongodb, MySQL, HBase, Cassandra, PostgreSQL, Mailchimp Integration
FrontendjQuery, Angular, Javascript, CSS, HTML5, Bootstrap
Cloud EnvironmentAWS, Azure, GCP, Cloud, Salesforce, Cloud Foundry
Real Time AnalyticsHadoop, Spark, BigData, Apache, Flink, Cisco, IBM
Push NotificationTwillio,, Amazon SNS, Urban Airship, Map, AdPushup

Upcoming Events of Formula One

Team Structure and Experts required to develop promising Fantasy Motorsports App

Developing a successful Fantasy Motorsports App requires a team with a diverse set of skills and expertise. To ensure the app is flawless, you need a fantasy sports app development company that has the complete range of skills required for the development process. Here is the team structure you will need:

  1. Project Manager
  2. UX & UI Designers
  3. iOS App Developer
  4. Android App Developer
  5. Backend Developers
  6. QA Professionals

Each team member has a specific role to play in creating a promising Fantasy Motorsports App. The Project Manager oversees the entire project and ensures it is completed on time and within budget. The UX & UI Designers work on the app’s user interface and experience to create an engaging and easy-to-use design. The iOS and Android App Developers are responsible for creating the app’s functionality and ensuring it is optimized for each platform. Backend Developers work on the app’s server and database to ensure seamless data exchange. QA Professionals test the app to ensure it is free of bugs and meets all requirements. Together, the team works to create a high-quality, successful Fantasy Motorsports App.

Revenue Model

The revenue model for a fantasy motorsports game centered around Formula 1 and other motorsports has great potential for profit. While there are no existing examples of fantasy motorsports games to model after, we can draw inspiration from the revenue models of other fantasy sports games, such as the NBA and NFL. Here are some potential revenue streams that could be incorporated into a freemium fantasy sports app:

  • Entry fees for joining private and custom leagues could be charged. For example, DraftKings and FanDuel earned $3B in 2017 from entry fees alone.
  • Users could be charged for performing actions that go beyond basic functionality, such as making changes to their team or extending their budget per team.
  • If the app offers additional premium features to users, such as access to VoD and other stats sheets, the app could create premium packages for specific facilities.
  • An internal currency could be created for the app, which would be used to purchase various in-app features.
  • Content related to motorsports, drivers, and constructors could be provided to encourage users to pay more for entry fees.
  • Private leagues with attractive prizes could be created to attract more motorsports enthusiasts and encourage them to play more and join more leagues.

The possibilities for generating revenue are virtually unlimited; the key is to develop new and creative ways to attract more players and users to play fantasy motorsport games.

How much does it cost to develop an app for Fantasy Motorsport Mobile App?

Investing in a fantasy motorsport app can offer great returns and user engagement. However, determining the exact cost to develop a robust and user-friendly app can be a challenge.

To ensure the best possible results, it’s important to work with experienced and proficient companies in the fantasy motorsport app industry. These companies can provide a premium experience for iOS and Android platforms, as well as web applications.

The total development cost for such an app, including backend and front-end development as well as user experience finishing, can range from USD $30,000 to $60,000.

Developing a Fantasy Motorsport App involves several legal aspects that must be taken into consideration to ensure compliance with regulations and laws. Here are some of the legal aspects that need to be addressed:

  1. Intellectual property rights: The app should not infringe any trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights of the motorsports leagues, teams or drivers. It is important to obtain permission for the use of names, logos, images, and other intellectual property.
  2. Licensing: The app may need to obtain licensing agreements from the motorsports leagues or other relevant authorities to use their logos, images, and other proprietary information.
  3. Gambling laws: The app should comply with gambling laws and regulations in the jurisdictions where it is available. Some countries may classify fantasy sports as gambling, and the app may need to obtain a gambling license to operate.
  4. Data privacy: The app should comply with data privacy laws and regulations, including the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information of the users. It is important to have a privacy policy that explains how user data is collected, stored and used.
  5. Consumer protection: The app should comply with consumer protection laws and regulations, including consumer rights, advertising regulations, and dispute resolution mechanisms.
  6. Contractual agreements: The app should have agreements in place with users, service providers, and other relevant parties to ensure that all parties are aware of their rights and obligations.
  7. Liability: The app should have appropriate disclaimers and limitations of liability to protect against any legal claims or damages that may arise from the use of the app.

It is important to consult with legal experts and obtain the necessary licenses and permits to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Ways and Means Technology can help you to build a Fantasy Motorsport app by providing end-to-end app development services. We have a team of experienced developers, designers, and quality assurance professionals who have extensive knowledge and expertise in developing fantasy sports applications.

Our approach to building a Fantasy Motorsport app includes the following steps:

  1. Requirement Gathering: We first understand the client’s requirements and business objectives and then come up with a comprehensive app development plan.
  2. Design and Development: Our team of designers creates a visually appealing UI/UX design, and our developers create a high-performing and responsive application.
  3. Testing and Quality Assurance: We conduct thorough testing of the app to ensure that it is bug-free, stable, and delivers an optimal user experience.
  4. Deployment and Support: We help in deploying the app on the respective app stores and provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that the app functions seamlessly.

Moreover, we can assist with the legal aspects of developing a Fantasy Motorsport app, such as compliance with gambling laws and regulations, as well as implementing appropriate security measures to protect user data and prevent fraudulent activities.

Overall, Ways and Means Technology can help you build a custom Fantasy Motorsport app that meets your business requirements, provides a great user experience, and ensures that you remain compliant with all legal and security aspects of the app development process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of features can we have in our Fantasy Motorsport app?

Can we offer prizes to the winners of our Fantasy Motorsport app?

What will be the cost and timeline of developing our Fantasy Motorsport app?

How will you ensure the security of our users’ data in the Fantasy Motorsport app?

Can we integrate our Fantasy Motorsport app with third-party services like payment gateways and analytics tools?