
Tips for Writing Clear and Comprehensive Functional Requirements for Software Development Projects

Functional requirements are a key component of a software requirement document (SRD) and describe the specific functionality that the software must have in order to meet the business requirements. Here are some tips for writing functional requirements:

  1. Be specific: Clearly and concisely describe the specific functionality that the software must have. Use action verbs (e.g. “create,” “edit,” “search”) and be specific about the inputs and outputs of each function.
  2. Use user stories: User stories are a simple and effective way to describe functional requirements. They are written in the format of “As a [user], I want [functionality], so that [benefit].”
  3. Include user interface designs: Include detailed descriptions and sketches of the user interface designs for the software, including screen layouts, navigation, and controls.
  4. Define acceptance criteria: Define the acceptance criteria for each functional requirement, which are the conditions that must be met in order for the requirement to be considered complete and accepted.
  5. Use examples: Provide examples of how the software will be used in real-world scenarios. This will help the software development company understand how the software will be used and ensure that the software meets the needs of the users.
  6. Be consistent: Use consistent terminology and formatting throughout the SRD to make it easy to understand and navigate.
  7. Prioritize the requirement: Prioritize the requirement in terms of their importance and urgency. This will help to ensure that the software development company focuses on the most critical requirements first and that the software meets the most important business needs.

By following these tips, you can write clear and comprehensive functional requirements that will help the software development company understand your needs and deliver a software that meets your requirements.


Here’s an example of how functional requirements for a software development project could be written:

Functional Requirement 1:

  • As a customer, I want to be able to create an account on the website, so that I can place orders.
  • Inputs: Customer name, email address, password
  • Outputs: Confirmation message, account creation success
  • Acceptance Criteria: The customer should be able to enter their name, email address and password, and click a “Create account” button. The system should then validate the inputs and create the account, sending a confirmation message and displaying a success message.

Functional Requirement 2:


  • As a customer, I want to be able to search for products on the website, so that I can find the products I need.
  • Inputs: Product name or keywords
  • Outputs: List of matching products, product details
  • Acceptance Criteria: The customer should be able to enter a product name or keywords in a search field and click a “Search” button. The system should then search the product catalog and display a list of matching products, with product details such as name, description, and price.

Functional Requirement 3:

  • As a customer, I want to be able to place an order on the website, so that I can purchase products.
  • Inputs: Product details, shipping address, payment information
  • Outputs: Order confirmation, order details
  • Acceptance Criteria: The customer should be able to select products from the catalog, enter a shipping address and payment information, and click a “Place order” button. The system should then validate the inputs and create the order, sending a confirmation message and displaying the order details.

As you can see, this example demonstrates how functional requirements can be written in a specific and action-oriented way, using user stories, acceptance criteria and providing examples. The functional requirements also prioritize the requirement in terms of their importance and urgency. This will help the software development company understand what exactly the system should do, how it should work and how it’s supposed to benefit the end user.

Checkout our complete comprehensive guide to get complete knowhow as to how to document your business requirement for development company.

Part 1: How to document your business requirement or idea to communicate to development partner or team
Part 2: Defining Business Requirements
Part 3: Defining Functional Requirements
Part 4: Defining Non-Functional Requirements
Part 5: Defining Technical Requirements
Part 6:Defining Acceptance Criteria
Part 7: Defining Timelines and Deliverables
Part 8: Identifying Stakeholder Information


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